Catching the Ghan to Darwin
We spent the night in Katherine before catching the Ghan to reach Darwin. The Ghan This is a famous railway line very appreciated by the retired australian people. With the Ghan indeed, you cross one of the most iconic features… Continue reading →
Stop-over in Mataranka and Katherine
It was a long way from Townsville, but we are still far from our destination: Darwin. So we’ve decided to make a few stops on our way there. Mataranka We took a night bus to reach Mataranka and it was… Continue reading →
Last trip with Queensland Rail!
This is now almost the end of june, we’ve just finished our WWOOFing at Kate & Stuart’s near Innisfail. It is now time to leave Queenland, but before, a looooooooong journey is ahead of us ! A trip on “premium… Continue reading →
WWOOFing in Japoonvale
We just left Kate & Stuart’s where we wwoofed for the last few days. Since we started this adventure, we really love WWOOFing because is gives us the opporutnity to meet some very intersting people which taught us a lot… Continue reading →
It’s winter, we are listening to Logar!
And because it is summer in the north hemisphere, we thought we should share some good music with you. Besides he is a friend, he is cool and he is playing incredibly good music… Ladies and gentlemen, please enjoy LOGAR:… Continue reading →